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The QuesaTaco

There exists a taco that is not quite a taco. Yes, it may be filled with barbacoa. And you may add your favorite salsa to it. But it is very different from the tacos you are used to because the filling is wrapped in grilled cheese instead of a tortilla: The QuesaTaco.

Think of a taco without a tortilla; yes, we said “without a tortilla”. It sounds easy and much too basic to be a brilliant idea. But that is what makes it genius. You have not eaten a unique taco until you have eaten a QuesaTaco. quesataco de rajas

QuesaTaco vs Quesataco

Like most food, there are variations. Some versions still use a tortilla, next add the melted cheese, and then the filling. There’s not a reliable answer that gives an answer to what is the QuesaTaco origin and what region of Mexico comes from. Thus, to us, that is just a quesadilla with filling. Our version does away with the distracting tortilla and focuses on the cheese and the filling. We are confident you have not seen this version before.

The QuesaTaco at Aqui es Texcoco

Imagine a thin layer of grilled cheese and your choice of fillings: from mushrooms to huitlacoche, to lamb, to black pudding, and back. Imagine a soft, warm, bite of happiness punctuated by our spicy pickled onion & habanero garnish. Eat it with pressed pork belly, add our salsa borracha, and have an agua de jamaica to wash it down in a refreshing way. Check into our menu of antojitos different fillings for QuesaTaco.

So if you are looking for a new taste sensation, imagine a dish that is as varied as the culture and people of México; imagine a meal you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine no longer; the QuesaTaco offers all that and more. Only at Aqui es Texcoco.

Quesataco de Barbacoa

QuesaTaco de Barbacoa

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